Peach Flaxseed Chocolate Sundae
  • 1 Piece of flaxseed bread
  • 1 Tablespoon good quality sugar free or low sugar peach jam (or sub other flavors)
  • 2 Tablespoon homemade peanut butter (or substitute a quality store-bought brand)
  • Handful chocolate chips (the higher the cocoa content the better. I use dairy free chips)
  • Handful toasted walnuts
  • Half a peach, diced
  1. Place your nuts into a cast iron skillet and heat on medium high heat until they are strongly aromatic.*
  2. Slice off a good size piece of your flaxseed bread or if you made muffins, use one of those.
  3. Slice or break open the bread or muffin like you would an English muffin and place in toaster oven.
  4. Toast until the little peaks of the flaxseed bread start to turn brown.
  5. Once it has finished toasting, shut your toaster oven and open the door. Don't take your flax bread out yet.
  6. While your bread is resting and further crispifying in the toaster, scoop your peanut butter into a bowl and microwave for a 30 seconds, or a minute if you are using a store bought variety.
  7. Remove from microwave and confirm you have melt-y peanut butter.
  8. Place your crispy bread in a bowl and pour your melt-y peanut butter over the top.
  9. Moving quickly, scatter the chocolate chips over the top (you want to move quickly so that the peanut butter doesn't cool and the chocolate chips get gooey and delicious).
  10. Drop your peach jelly in small clumps over everything.
  11. For the final touch break up the nuts by hand and sprinkle on top.
*Toasting nuts is like watching young children. The second you turn your back all hell breaks loose. If you hear yourself thinking "I'll be right back," know now that you have just burnt your nuts. They go from uncooked to burnt-to-a-crisp faster than the speed of light. Einstein must never have toasted nuts because there are multiple physical laws broken here! Having said this, I know you will not watch your nuts as diligently as you should. I know this, because I never do. Part of the ritual of toasting nuts in our home is burning the nuts. I've come to love and appreciate the burnt nut!
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